To me, central heating is the dream

"Life changes when you live with central heating" says Lyall Smith in the interview with Radio New Zealand (RNZ) hosts, Stan and Hamish. Waking up or coming home, the pleasurable feeling of enveloping warmth from warm water central heating is unobtainable from other forms of heating. Central heating is the only heating method that heats the whole home evenly, allowing you to make full use of your home during winter.

“To me, central heating is the dream! It maintains the house at a given temperature that you set it to, so if you are like the house at 20º; it turns back on to maintain that temperature…” says Stan and Hamish.

Listen to Lyall, Stan, and Hamish discuss what central heating is, what is the most cost-effective system, when is the best time to plan for central heating, and touch on rapidly changing climate commission for gas in heating companies.