In areas where there is no reticulated gas or difficult access for large electricity supply, light oil (diesel & kerosene) boilers are the backbone of warm water central heating systems worldwide and particularly in New Zealand with our limited natural gas network.
Modern diesel central heating boilers are nearly three times more efficient than the best diesel engine car. This is in terms of getting the most from a litre of fuel and in combustion gas emission.
Firebird Boiler blue flame burner technology combined with low flow temperature condensing heat exchangers enables efficiencies of up to 98%. With no odour or smoke, and virtually silent in operation, they are squeezing the most out of a finite resource.
While there is no doubt we need to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, they are still an important part of the energy requirements in New Zealand. Light oil is fundamental to our transport network as well as for heating residentially and commercially. The availability, ease of transport and storage, especially in the rural sector are major factors in its viability.
Some buildings in the South Island are heated with diesel fuel like the Christchurch Art Gallery and Horncastle Arena as well as many schools.