
  • H1 Energy Efficiency Building Code changes and what it means for you

    With recent changes to the H1 Energy Efficiency Building Code, there are several positive outcomes that will benefit homeowners in the long run.

  • Firebird - Igniting Success Across the Country

    Central Heating New Zealand has hit the ground running in 2023, bringing to 7 locations around NZ our leading diesel boiler supplier, Firebird and Elco burner.

  • Top 10 Reasons why Central Heating is the Best Investment

    So, you have been considering central heating? We believe it will be the best investment you can make in your home for your family.

  • Unmatched Skill Set

    With 20 years of hard graft on the tools as a builder, Andy decided it was time to widen his experience and skillset.

  • Muddy Good Run

    Last month several of our keen staff members entered the annual Muddy Good Run based in Canterbury.

  • The convenience of a sustainable whole home heating solution

    Central heating is a complete system that moves away from the New Zealand norm of having one heat source in the living area, leaving the rest of the home cold…

  • Renewable Energy Biomass Boilers

    As New Zealanders, most of us are familiar with the concept of lugging the firewood off the trailer, stacking it inside the garage wall, and when you need to fill…

  • Gas boilers: the preferred heat source

    Whether you have an existing home or building new, central heating can be tailored to your project’s needs – whilst ensuring every room is comfortably warm, even during the coldest…

  • To me, central heating is the dream

    "Life changes when you live with central heating" says Lyall Smith in the interview with Radio New Zealand (RNZ) hosts, Stan and Hamish.

  • Smart Heating & Cooling Comfort

    Underfloor heating is well known for its high comfort during winter. But underfloor cooling is a new phenomenon being offered in the New Zealand market by several companies.

  • Heating Comfort and Why The Experts Get It Wrong

    Feeling ComfortableEveryone has a different personal level of comfort. But there are some key things that enable some heating systems to make a home extremely comfortable.

  • Why we choose Arroll

    Since its beginning in 2003, Arroll quickly became internationally recognised for its cast iron radiators.

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